An American teenager named Sean Boswell is a loner in school, however he challenges his rival for an illegal street racing, and he totals his car in the end of the race. To avoid time in prison he is sent to Tokyo to live with his father who is in the military. As soon as he arrives he discovers a new, fun but dangerous way of street racing in the underworld of the streets of Tokyo, Japan.
Genres: Action | Crime | Thriller
Director: Justin Lin
Writer: Chris Morgan
Stars: Lucas Black, Zachery Ty Bryan, Shad Moss, Sung Kang, Lynda Boyd, Brian Goodman, Jason Tobin, Keiko Kitagawa, Brian Tee, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Alden Ray, Koji Kataoka, Shin'ichi Chiba
Official Sites: Official Facebook
Country: USA | Germany | Japan
Language: English | Japanese
Release Date: 16 June 2006 (USA)
Also Known As: The Fast and the Furious 3
Filming Locations: Long Beach, California, USA
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